OAFT – From Discovery to Profit Ensuring that the Ontario ag sector is at the forefront of agri-tech, to compete globally and to develop new market opportunities. FUND Rapid Response programs provide assistance to Ontario agri-food innovators for sales and research. COLLABORATE Work with innovators in the industry and foster initiatives that contribute to Ontario’s […]
OAFT – From Discovery to Profit Ensuring that the Ontario ag sector is at the forefront of agri-tech, to compete globally and to develop new market opportunities. FUND Rapid Response programs provide assistance to Ontario agri-food innovators for sales and research. COLLABORATE Work with innovators in the industry and foster initiatives that contribute to Ontario’s
OAFT – From Discovery to Profit Ensuring that the Ontario ag sector is at the forefront of agri-tech, to compete globally and to develop new market opportunities. FUND Rapid Response programs provide assistance to Ontario agri-food innovators for sales and research. COLLABORATE Work with innovators in the industry and foster initiatives that contribute to Ontario’s
OAFT – From Discovery to Profit Ensuring that the Ontario ag sector is at the forefront of agri-tech, to compete globally and to develop new market opportunities. FUND Rapid Response programs provide assistance to Ontario agri-food innovators for sales and research. COLLABORATE Work with innovators in the industry and foster initiatives that contribute to Ontario’s
OAFT – From Discovery to Profit Ensuring that the Ontario ag sector is at the forefront of agri-tech, to compete globally and to develop new market opportunities. FUND Rapid Response programs provide assistance to Ontario agri-food innovators for sales and research. COLLABORATE Work with innovators in the industry and foster initiatives that contribute to Ontario’s
3 December 2018 The new NAFTA is now known as CUSMA, and holds many changes for agriculture and SMEs Earlier today, the USMCA, now called the CUSMA was signed. The full text is now avaiable on the Global Affairs Canada website: https://international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/cusma-aceum/text-texte/toc-tdm.aspx?lang=eng Return…
22 November 2018 Check out this great piece from CTV Windsor about our client Competitive Green Technologies! https://windsor.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1542248 Return…
Members Our dynamic network shares a vision to build a more sustainable, competitive and innovative future for Ontario’s agri-food, agri-tech and bio-products sectors. OAFT members have priority access to our tools, programs and resources. OAFT offers small and medium-size enterprises connections and advice to explore new opportunities in the agri-food and agri-technology sector. Members can also
23 July 2019 Upcoming Trade Missions – World Trade Centre Toronto Hosted by World Trade Centre Toronto’s Market Activation Program (MAP), each trade mission presents a unique opportunity for trade-ready Canadian companies to grow revenue and expand footprint through international trade F&B Trade Mission to the Anuga Trade Fair – October 2 – 8, 2019 In partnership with the
VIDEOS Videos from past OAFT events & from the Game Changers in Agriculture video series. The Game Changers in Agriculture video series showcases companies andtechnologies that demonstrate Ontario’s innovation capacity in agriculture. Featured: Ian Affleck – Regulatory landscape in commodity plant agriculture Regulatory landscape in commodity plant agriculture: Current industry/government work underway to clarify