Economic Development Department, 59 Carden Street
Guelph, ON N1H 3A1
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Contact Info:
Norris Hoag
T: (519) 837-5600
F: (519) 837-5636
E: [email protected]
Website URL:
City of Guelph
To create opportunities for business development, wealth creation and employment by supporting existing business and attracting new investment to the city.
About Us:
Guelph is proud to be home to a diverse economic base spanning from aluminum manufacturing to DNA extraction and food system forensics. Our diversity creates a wealth of companies, resources and industry experts that when combined provide a foundation for innovation and development.
The Economic Development Department has positioned itself to foster the development of innovation in emerging sectors such as life science and biotechnology. The Economic Development Department has made a strong commitment to establishing Guelph as a leading centre for life science research, development and commercialization.
Guelph enjoys an international reputation as a place for excellence in knowledge-creation, research, and education especially in the life science and agri-food disciplines due to the presence of the University of Guelph, the Ontario Agriculture College and the Ontario Veterinary College. The Universitys continuing commitment to skilled and knowledgeable personnel, ensures a constant workforce trained in state-of-the-art technologies. The Economic Development Department is committed to creating an infrastructure that supports a growing community of scientists, researchers, business experts and related companies that can be integrated into a local network of specialized expertise and resources.
Guelph Partnership for Innovation (GPI) is a Community-driven committee to further Life Science and Agri-Food business. The partners have identified a driving need to position Guelph as a leading centre for agri-food and life science. The impact from the committee will begin at the local level with the creation of a Guelph Innovation Network. The Innovation Network will take the form of bi-monthly breakfast meetings at the Cutten Club where guest speakers will be invited to address leading topics of interest from patenting innovation to technology transfer.