University of Guelph
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
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Contact Info:
Dr. Douglas Powell
T: 519-824-4120 x2506
F: 519-763-8933
E: [email protected]
Website URL:
Food Safety Network
About Us
The purpose of this site is to provide electronic communications tools to assist in risk analysis activities by rapidly identifying issues, promoting awareness of public concerns and facilitating a timely exchange of information to guide the direction of research, diagnostic or investigative activities.
These tools are principally comprised of three listserv distributions, AgNet, FSNet and AnimalNet, which provide current, generalized, public risk perception information about rapidly changing issues. The information is culled from journalistic and scientific sources around the world and condensed into short items or stories that are distributed daily by electronic mail to thousands of individuals from academia, industry, government, the farm community, journalism and the public at large.
In addition to access to these listservs, this site provides general and topical information on risk communication and management, agricultural biotechnology, animal health and food safety.