Please note, these programs are designed to provide benefit to the “business of agriculture” in Ontario.
Game Changers in Agriculture Video Series*
Please visit to see some of the innovative companies we work with.
Member-to-Member Program
OAFT will provide up to $10,000 for projects that any two OAFT member organizations deem worthwhile and can benefit Ontario agriculture.
- •Letters from each member organization involved are required
- •Contact [email protected]
Capacity Building Program*
Small to mid-sized companies often have great difficulty in attracting research and development or capital assistance dollars from government programs and investors. OAFT will provide the services of a professional writing team free of charge (to a maximum of $10,000). Any company or organization shall simply send an email to [email protected] outlining what they wish to accomplish. We will make a decision within two business days and contact the applicant as to investing in the writing of the project and the appropriate funding they should require. We will also line-up letters of support for the proposal.
- Company or organization must be willing to invest 30% minimum of project costs
- Value to agriculture in Ontario will be a key
- •Note – OAFT is not reimbursed if the project is successful
- •Contact [email protected]
Rapid Response to Business Opportunities Program*
This program will provide up to $10,000 to cover direct costs for sales meetings concerning innovative agricultural products and services from Ontario.•
- Rapid – A decision will be made within two business days upon receipt of final proposal
- •Process – submission of a completed Funding Application
- •Applications must demonstrate innovation in agri-tech and benefit to Ontario agriculture to be eligible
- Notes – (1) The program does not cover consultants, sales agents, product/brand representatives, trading houses, tradeshows and exploratory marketing/prospecting (there must be prior contact); and (2) we can also pay for clients to come to your facility (to close sales)
- •Contact [email protected] for further information, or to request a Funding Application Form
Rapid Response to Research Needs Program*
This program will provide up to $20,000 to a company to help solve small research hurdles or product standards testing. We will make a decision within two business days.
- This must be a 50/50 cost sharing
- We respect confidentiality, but require a progress report along with receipts
- We will not accept in-kind matching dollars (i.e. employee salaries)
- Priority is given to innovative products
- Contact [email protected] for further information, or to request a Funding Application Form
*These programs are supported by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs through Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.