Ontario Agri-Food Technologies – Partner Profiles




University of Guelph
Business Development Office
Room 201, Reynolds Building
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 2W1

Contact Info:
Connie Hearty
Director, Business Development Office
T. (519) 824-4120 ext. 6471
F. (519) 821-5236
E. [email protected]

Website URL:


University of Guelph

To expand the global competitiveness and sustainability of Ontario’s agri-food system and to improve agricultural education throughout the province.

About Us:
The University of Guelph works with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) to further the long-term global competiveness and sustainability of Ontario’s agriculture and food system through excellence in research and education.

Research Initiatives:
High-profile OAC research initiatives include the Guelph Group for Research in Food Safety and the Ontario Soil, Water, and Air Research and Services Committee. Partnerships with OMAFRA and various farm organizations help make us Canada�s premiere agri-food research centre.

First-rate facilities like our Animal Holding Facility and our Crop and Soil Science Greenhouses place OAC at the hub of many new partnerships relating to agri-food education and research.

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