
White Papers :

  • Case Study: Growth-Enhanced Salmon
    This case study concerns the potential aquaculture production or importation of
    Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) genetically engineered to contain an additional fish
    growth hormone gene that is intended to make the Atlantic salmon grow faster and use
    feed more efficiently. In general, brood stocks of such fish would be raised in
    conventional inland hatcheries, where brood stock would be treated to produce 100%
    genetically female eggs. The eggs would then be treated to cause reproductive sterility
    (triploidy). The reproductively sterile, all-female offspring would be grown initially in
    hatcheries and then to maturity in ocean net pens, before being harvested for food. The
    ability of hatchery managers to ensure reproductive sterility is currently high but less than
    100%. Therefore, escapes of fish from net pens may include some females that are
    capable of reproduction.
    CEQ/OSTP Assessment: Case Studies of Environmental Regulation for Biotechnology January, 2001
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