Forms/Links: CanBiotech has provided links and PDF form files for the entrepreneur under this tab. Forms/links provided include:
Business development forms/files e.g. business plan or component templates.
Clinical and regulatory forms for Canadian ag-biotech e.g. forms for novel foods, pest management, plant breeder’s rights, PNT confined trials, variety registration, veterinary biologics and veterinary drugs.
Corporate forms e.g. company registration forms/links, business tax forms, SRED forms.
Exporting/Importing forms e.g. Canadian exporting and importing applications/permits.
IP (Intellectual Property) forms e.g. Canadian, U.S. and PCT patent and trademark forms/applications.
Financing e.g. links to financing program and PDF application forms.
Legal e.g. agreement templates for biotechnology development.
Mergers and Acquisitions e.g. agreement templates.
Reports: Access professional biotech and agbiotech reports under this tab.
General: Access glossaries, training opportunities and OAFT’s selection of links under this tab.