OAFT News: The Talent to Drive Innovation

  Close Window The Talent to Drive Innovation
7 Feb 2005

Do You Have The Success Gene?

Jobseek Career Centre
Visit us at www.torontobiotech.org today. Locate skilled life science talent fast! Find a great job in the greater Toronto area!

::: Special offer provides unlimited postings for TBI members free!
::: For a limited time, all TBI Jobseek postings will also be positioned on Pharmahorizons.com, a $750.00 benefit per posting for TBI members.
::: Jobseek is always free and confidential for job hunters.

TBI Jobseek Internet site features:
::: Quick and easy posting interface:
::: Connectivity with Pharmahorizons, one of Canadas largest industry specific candidate databases.
::: Sort and select tools to find the best people quickly.
::: Automated correspondence.

For further details regarding this promotion contact Andrew Gregory at:
phone: (905) 631-0770 or Toll Free (in Canada): 1-877-751-9415 or e-mail: [email protected]

Special Posting Offer Expires March 31, 2005

Ottawa Life Sciences Council
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